Pomoc se ziskanim dokladu k autu pro kolegu z Madarska

Free pokec (aj keď Ondra 07 by to celé zmazal)

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Registrován: úte čer 01, 2004 11:30
Bydliště: Kromeriz

Pomoc se ziskanim dokladu k autu pro kolegu z Madarska

Příspěvek od JmJ »

Prisel nam do klubove schranky nasledujici email. Je sice adresovan Tajfunovi, ale asi si snim lepe neporadime, nez ze ho zde vystavim. Prekladat ho nebudu, protoze ten kdo by chtel kolegovi pomoct, se s nim stejne musi domluvit nejakym neceskym jazykem.

Hello Albert,

It is Norbert from Hungary again. Now I bother you with a private request.

Recentely I bought two Lada's in the Czech Republic, one is restored, the
other is under restoration, but I only have copies of the Technickys (One
original is lost, the other is kept back by the Czech authority for some
foggy reason). Of course the copy is not enough for the Hungarian
authority, they need the original or a certified copy by the issue
authority, the Czech vehichle authority. Do you know somebody, a
professional, who can help me obtain these documents? I cannot speaks Czech
so it is very difficult for me to explain what I want, but normally for
this arrangements you need someone who is daily doing this registration and
deregistration of cars. Surely I'm willing to pay for it.

Best regards,

VAZ 2104 1.3 1989

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