LADAklub CS - Spring Meeting 2020 - official information

(Každoroční srazy)

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LADAklub CS - Spring Meeting 2020 - official information

Příspěvek od Hurikán »

Dear frieds and Lada-fans, welcome to the XXXV. Spring Lada Meeting!

Just planning our annual Spring Lada Meeting this year, we announce the date and some basic details of this event as shown below:

Date: May 22-24, 2020

Location: Autocamping in Příhrazy (program on Saturday, May 23rd only)
GPS loc: 50°31'42.006"N, 15°4'41.432"E


The meeting will be held within the same camping site, as last year. Our club has an option on all chalets there until the end of February. We recommend therefore: don´t hesitate!

:arrow: Please book your accomodation by yourself as soon as possible, if interested in a chalet, using the camp contacts as shown below.
:arrow: Due to proper processing of your reservation, be sure to attach the LADACLUB headword.

After March 1st. all non reserved chalets will be placed free for public sale. Make your reservation as soon as posible! :idea:

Contacts for reservation:
- email:
- online in camp reservation system:
- phone: +420 326 789 007 (between 19 and 21 hr.)

Chalet reservations are to be checked directly with the camping reception. Single cars, campers, camping trailors and tents are free of reservation in advance. For accomodation prices and pictures, please use the appropriate web-site of the autocamping.

As for some more comfortable accomodation, we recommend to book some of the boarding houses in Žďár (village next to the camping in Příhrazy).

Chalets in camp:

Моя фотогалерея здесь.

Я слежу за тобой. Всегда!
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Příspěvky: 5802
Registrován: čtv úno 17, 2005 11:07
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Re: LADAklub CS Spring Meeting 2020 - official information

Příspěvek od Hurikán »

Common information:

Map with Highway D10 and Exit 63 + 57:


Map of the location - general view:


Emergency call:

• 155 Medical first aid (Ambulance)
• 150 Fire brigade
• 158 Police
• 112 International emergency call service (English spoken)

Some important adresses; Telephones; GPS locations:

Pharmacy/Chemist´s, 28. října 1000, Turnov; 481 321 755; 50°35'20.737"N, 15°10'8.726"E
Pharmacy/Chemist´s, tř. V. Klementa 147, Ml. Boleslav; 326 743 603; 50°25'3.806"N, 14°54'42.634"E
Hospital with Health centre (no dental emergency), Tázlerova 747, Turnov; 481 661 111; 50°35'6.567"N, 15°9'22.631"E
Hospital ( emergency), tř. V. Klementa 147, Ml. Boleslav; 326 742 111; 50°25'3.806"N, 14°54'42.634"E
Police, Žižkova 1871, Turnov; 974 475 721; 50°35'31.137"N, 15°9'41.929"E
Municipal Police, Masarykovo nám. 1, Mnichovo Hradiště; 326 771 240, 602 473 156; 50°31'22.001"N, 14°58'28.73"E
Municipal Police, Skálova 68, Turnov; 481 366 600, 723 389 122;, 50°35'17.967"N, 15°9'28.26"E
Fire brigade, Trávnice 863, Turnov; 950 486 011; 50°35'20.572"N, 15°9'15.142"E
Fire brigade, Laurinova 1370, Ml. Boleslav; 950 861 062; 50°24'45.319"N, 14°55'8.535"E
Naposledy upravil(a) Hurikán dne pát úno 28, 2020 21:41, celkem upraveno 2 x.
Důvod: Taky tomu říkám postaru, ale ofiko už je to D10 včetně ukazatelů.
Моя фотогалерея здесь.

Я слежу за тобой. Всегда!
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Příspěvky: 5802
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Re: LADAklub CS Spring Meeting 2020 - official information

Příspěvek od Hurikán »

Invitation card:

You can download it in these formats:

Width 800 px.

Width 1600 px.

Width 2048 px.

Full print quality 2048 px.

Моя фотогалерея здесь.

Я слежу за тобой. Всегда!
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Příspěvky: 5802
Registrován: čtv úno 17, 2005 11:07
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Re: LADAklub CS - Spring Meeting 2020 - official information

Příspěvek od Hurikán »



due to the anti-virus precautions.

We are really sorry. In respect with that we declare herewith all of the previous chalet bookings arranged with the camping for withdrawn. We hope to see you, may be on early autumn when possible. If so, follow further infos here.

Моя фотогалерея здесь.

Я слежу за тобой. Всегда!

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